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Earn by Running Teneo Nodes



Teneo Protocol is pioneering a decentralized approach to data ownership through its advanced DePIN Data Layer and tokenization of machine data, creating a robust Web3 infrastructure that enables users to unlock previously restricted data from platforms like X, Reddit, and TikTok.

This democratized access to data empowers individuals to take control of their contributions, while partnerships such as the one with Charge accelerate the adoption of decentralized infrastructure, particularly in industries like EV charging.

The $TENEO Token is central to Teneo’s ecosystem, powering network operations and rewarding node operators, while also enabling staking, real-time data access, and serving as the currency for businesses to engage in the democratized data economy.


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Teneo Protocol

Teneo Protocol

Airdrop Reward

2,500 Points


How to Get Airdrop?

1. Visit the Teneo Community Node page and download the Teneo Node extension as a zip file.

2. Right-click on the downloaded zip file and select Extract All to unzip the contents.

3. Open the Extensions page in your browser (or type chrome://extensions/ into your address bar), then enable Developer mode.

4. Drag and drop the unzipped folder teneo-community-node-v0.2 (which contains the file manifest.json) onto the Extensions page, then toggle the switch to enable the extension.

5. Click the extension, sign up with your email using the invitation code “w60iW” to unlock bonus rewards. Check your email, verify your account, and log in to the extension.

6. Click Connect Node to start earning rewards, and refer friends to get 2,500 extra Teneo Points when they sign up.

* As soon as your Node is running, you’ll start contributing to the decentralized network and earning Teneo Points, which will convert into $TENEO Tokens after the Token Generation Event (TGE).

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